Qiqi Xue, Lipeng Zhang* Shuo Chen* Kun Guo, Tao Li, Zhong Han, and Weidong Sun, 2023. Tracing black shales in the source of a porphyry Mo deposit using molybdenum isotopes. Geology.

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Zhuang Miao, Xiaoqiang Li , Zhidan Zhao*, Yaoling Niu , Bo Xu , Hangshan Lei , Jingkai Wu , Yiyun Yang, Qian Ma, Dong Liu, Qing Wang , Di-Cheng Zhu , Xuanxue Mo, 2023. Deciphering mantle heterogeneity associated with ancient subduction-related metasomatism: Insights from Mg-K isotopes in potassic alkaline rocks. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

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2020. Petrogenesis of early Carboniferous bimodal-type volcanic rocks from the Junggar Basin (NW China) with implications for Phanerozoic crustal growth in Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Gondwana Research.

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Yu Yuan, Jing-Liang Guo , Keqing Zong, Lanping Feng, Zaicong Wang, Fre´de´ric Moynier, Wen Zhang , Zhaochu Hu, Haijin Xu, 2022. Stable zirconium isotopic fractionation during alkaline magma differentiation: Implications for the differentiation of continental crust. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

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Yu Dong, Shuai Xiong, Feng Wang*, Zheng Ji , Yi-Bing Li, Shinji Yamamoto, Kiyoaki Niida, Wen-Liang Xu*, 2023. Triggering of episodic back-arc extensions in the NE Asian continental margin by deep mantle flow. Geology.

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Qing Zhang, Lei Zhao , Dawn Zhou , Allen P. Nutman , Ross N. Mitchell*, Yu Liu , Qiu-Li Li,4, Hui-Min Yu , Billy Fan, Christopher J. Spencer , Xian-Hua Li*, 2023. No evidence of supracrustal recycling in Si-O isotopes of Earth’s oldest rocks 4 Ga ago. SCIENCE ADVANCES.

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Zhan-Ke Li*, Jian-Wei Li, Hua-Shan Sun, Xin-Fu Zhao, Andrew G. Tomkins, David Selby, Paul T. Robinson, Xiao-Dong Deng, Zaicong Wang, Zhong-Zheng Yuan, and Shao-Rui Zhao, 2023. Gold mineralized diorite beneath the Linglong ore field, North China craton: New insights into the origin of decratonization-related gold deposits. GSA Bulletin.

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Xin Chen, Shaoyong Jiang, Martin R.Palmer, Hans-Peter Schertl, Aitor Cambeses, David Hernández-Uribe, Kuidong Zhao, Chenggui Lin, Youye Zheng, 2022. Tourmaline chemistry, boron, and strontium isotope systematics trace multiple melt–fluid–rock interaction stages in deeply subducted continental crust. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

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Kai Lu, Ross N. Mitchell a, Chuan Yang∗, Jiu-Long Zhou, Li-Guang Wu, Xuan-Ce Wang d, Xian-Hua Li**, 2022. Widespread magmatic provinces at the onset of the Sturtian snowball Earth. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

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Heng-Ci Tian, Shi-Hong Tian *, Zeng-Qian Hou, Zhi-Ming Yang , Yuanchuan Zheng, 2022. Lithium isotope fractionation during magmatic differentiation and hydrothermal processes in post-collisional adakitic rocks. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

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Menghan Qiu, Ruiliang Liu, Xingyuan Li , Linyao Du, Jiaming Luo, Shengqian Chen, Xiaoyan Yang, Yongqiang Wang *, Jianye Han *, Fahu Chen, Guanghui Dong, 2023. Earliest systematic coal exploitation for fuel extended to ~3600 B.P.. SCIENCE ADVANCES.

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Shengchao Xue, Qingfei Wang, Jun Deng, Yanning Wang,   Touping Peng, 2022. Mechanism of organic matter assimilation and its role in sulfde saturation of oxidized magmatic ore‑forming system: insights from C‑S‑Sr‑Nd isotopes of the Tulaergen deposit in NW China. Mineralium Deposita.

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He-Zhi Ma , Yi-Xiang Chen* , Kun Zhou , Peng Gao , Yong-Fei Zheng , Xiang-Ping Zha , Xiao-Ping Xia , Zi-Fu Zhao , Fang Huang, 2022. The effect of crystal fractionation on the geochemical composition of syn-exhumation magmas: Implication for the formation of high d56Fe granites in collisional orogens. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

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Gengxin Deng, Dingsheng Jiang , Rongqing Zhang, Jian Huang , Xingchao Zhang, Fang Huang ∗, 2022. Barium isotopes reveal the role of deep magmatic fluids in magmatic-hydrothermal evolution and tin enrichment in granites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

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Wei Fang, Li-Qun Dai , Yong-Fei Zheng, Zi-Fu Zhao, 2022. Basalt Mo isotope evidence for crustal recycling in continental subduction zone. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

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Anxia Chen, Yi-Xiang Chen* , Xiaofeng Gu, Zhen Zeng , Zicong Xiao, Hans-Peter Scher, Xiqiu Han, Zi-Fu Zhao, Fang Huang, 2023. Barium isotope behavior during interaction between serpentinite-derived fluids and metamorphic rocks in the continental subduction zone. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

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Shi-Wen Xie *, Fang Wang , Claire E. Bucholz, Fu-Lai Liu , Pei-Zhi Wang , Ze-Min Bao , Dun-Yi Liu, 2022. Whole-rock geochemistry and zircon O-Hf isotope compositions of ca. 2.35 Ga strongly peraluminous granites: Implications for increase in zircon d18O values during the Paleoproterozoic. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

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Guohui Chen* , Alastair H.F. Robertson, Fu-Yuan Wu, 2022. Detrital zircon geochronology and related evidence from clastic sediments in the Kyrenia Range, N Cyprus: Implications for the Mesozoic-Cenozoic erosional history and tectonics of southern Anatolia. Earth-Science Reviews.

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Wenbin Ning, Timothy Kusky*, Lu Wang*, and Bo Huang, 2022. Archean eclogite-facies oceanic crust indicates modern-style plate tectonics. PNAS.

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Kai Luo, Alexandre Cugerone, Mei‑Fu Zhou, Jia‑Xi Zhou, Guo‑Tao Sun, Jing Xu, Kang‑Jian He, Mao‑Da Lu, 2022. Germanium enrichment in sphalerite with acicular and euhedral textures: an example from the Zhulingou carbonate‑hosted Zn(‑Ge) deposit, South China. Mineralium Deposita.

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