Guohui Chen* , Alastair H.F. Robertson, Fu-Yuan Wu, 2022. Detrital zircon geochronology and related evidence from clastic sediments in the Kyrenia Range, N Cyprus: Implications for the Mesozoic-Cenozoic erosional history and tectonics of southern Anatolia. Earth-Science Reviews.

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Wenbin Ning, Timothy Kusky*, Lu Wang*, and Bo Huang, 2022. Archean eclogite-facies oceanic crust indicates modern-style plate tectonics. PNAS.

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Kai Luo, Alexandre Cugerone, Mei‑Fu Zhou, Jia‑Xi Zhou, Guo‑Tao Sun, Jing Xu, Kang‑Jian He, Mao‑Da Lu, 2022. Germanium enrichment in sphalerite with acicular and euhedral textures: an example from the Zhulingou carbonate‑hosted Zn(‑Ge) deposit, South China. Mineralium Deposita.

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Tianfu Zhang * , Zengqian Hou, Yuanchuan Zheng , Xianyu Cheng , Shaoyi Wang , Xueming Teng, 2022. Geochronology and geochemistry of the granites from the Jiabusi Ta-Nb-(Li-Rb-Cs) deposit at the northern margin of the North China Craton. Ore Geology Reviews.

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Xin-Yu Long , Jie Tang, Wen-Liang Xu *, Chen-Yang Sun, Jin-Peng Luan , Shuai Xiong , Xiao-Ming Zhang, 2023. Trace element and Nd isotope analyses of apatite in granitoids and metamorphosed granitoids from the eastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Implications for petrogenesis and post-magmatic alteration. Geoscience Frontiers.

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Huimin Wang, Qinglin Xia * , Zhou Zhou , Li Lei , Changliang Chen , Peng Yang , Yin Gong, Qi Hua , Qibing Bao, 2023. Orogenic gold mineralization in the Huangling region and its intimate tectonic linkage to the Neoproterozoic orogeny of South China. Precambrian Research.

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Jingya Cao, Huan Li*, Xiaoyong Yang,* Landry Soh Tamehe, and Rasoul Esmaeili, 2022. Multi-stage magma evolution recorded by apatite and zircon of adakite-like rocks: A case study from the Shatanjiao intrusion, Tongling region, Eastern China. American Mineralogist.

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Sun Ki Choi,Sang Joon Pak, Jonguk Kim, Ji Young Shin, Seungjin Yang, Hwimin Jang,Seung‑Kyu Son,2023. Mineralogy and trace element geochemistry of hydrothermal sulfdes from the Ari vent feld, Central Indian Ridge. Mineralium Deposita.

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Can Chen, Jiasheng Wang *, Thomas J. Algeo, Jian-Ming Zhu , Zhou Wang, Xiaochen Ma, Yue Cen,2023. Sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane inferred from traceelement chemistry and nickel isotopes of pyrite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

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Mingdi Gao, Xiaolin Xiong*, Fangfang Huang, Jintuan Wang, and Chunxia Wei,2023. Key Factors Controlling Biotite–Silicate Melt Nb and Ta Partitioning: Implications for Nb−Ta Enrichment and Fractionation in Granites. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.

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Xiaoyi Guo , Bochao Xu*, William C. Burnettd , Zhigang Yua,, Shouye Yang , Xiangtong Huang , Feifei Wang , Haiming Nana, , Peng Yao , Fenglin Sun, 2018. A potential proxy for seasonal hypoxia: LA-ICP-MS Mn/Ca ratios in benthic foraminifera from the Yangtze River Estuary. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.有孔虫

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Ming Xiao , Yingde Jiang * , Guochun Zhao , Huaning Qiu , Yue Cai , Xiujuan Bai, Chao Yuan , Wanfeng Zhang , Lingzhu Kong, Sheng Wang, 2022. Fluid inclusion 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of andalusite from syn-tectonic quartz veins: New perspectives on dating deformation and metamorphism in low-pressure metamorphic belts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

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Peng Peng* , Xu Liu , Lianjun Feng , Xiqiang Zhou , Hongwei Kuang , Yongqing Liu, Jianli Kang , Xinping Wang, Chong Wang , Ke Dai , Huichu Wang , Jianrong Li , Peisen Miao , Jinghui Guo , Mingguo Zhai, 2023. Rhyacian intermittent large igneous provinces sustained Great Oxidation Event: Evidence from North China craton. Earth-Science Reviews.

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Yaying Peng , Timothy Kusky *, Lu Wang *, Zhikang Luan , Chuanhai Wang, Xuanyu Liu , Yating Zhong & Noreen J. Evans, 2022. Passive margins in accreting Archaean archipelagos signal continental stability promoting early atmospheric oxygen rise. Nature Communications.

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Wen-Yong Duan, Xu-Ping Li *, Hans-Peter Schertl , Arne P. Willner , Guang-Ming Sun, 2022. “Hot” subduction initiation and the origin of the Yarlung-Tsangbo ophiolites, southern Tibet: New insights from ultrahigh temperature metamorphic soles. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

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Song-Jie Wang, Michael Brown, 2023,Making Andesite Through Shallow Hybridization of Magmas Derived From Variably Enriched Lithospheric Mantle,Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth

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2023,Making Andesite Through Shallow Hybridization of Magmas Derived From Variably Enriched Lithospheric Mantle,Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth

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2023,Mantle plume plays an important role in modern seafloor hydrothermal mineralization system,Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

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2022. Kinetic controls on Sc distribution in diopside and geochemical behavior of Sc in magmatic systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

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2022.Garnet secondary ion mass spectrometry oxygen isotopesreveal crucial roles of pulsed magmaticfluid and its mixingwith meteoric water in lode gold genesis. PNAS.

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