Yu Yuan, Jing-Liang Guo , Keqing Zong, Lanping Feng, Zaicong Wang, Fre´de´ric Moynier, Wen Zhang , Zhaochu Hu, Haijin Xu, 2022. Stable zirconium isotopic fractionation during alkaline magma differentiation: Implications for the differentiation of continental crust. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

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Yu Dong, Shuai Xiong, Feng Wang*, Zheng Ji , Yi-Bing Li, Shinji Yamamoto, Kiyoaki Niida, Wen-Liang Xu*, 2023. Triggering of episodic back-arc extensions in the NE Asian continental margin by deep mantle flow. Geology.

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Qing Zhang, Lei Zhao , Dawn Zhou , Allen P. Nutman , Ross N. Mitchell*, Yu Liu , Qiu-Li Li,4, Hui-Min Yu , Billy Fan, Christopher J. Spencer , Xian-Hua Li*, 2023. No evidence of supracrustal recycling in Si-O isotopes of Earth’s oldest rocks 4 Ga ago. SCIENCE ADVANCES.

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Hongshuai Shan, Junlai Liu, Xu Ding Xiaoyu Chen, Xinqi Yu, Zhenghong Liu, Zhongyuan Xu, 2022,Subduction initiation of the Proto-Tethys Ocean that facilitated climate change and biodiversification. Earth and Planetary Science Letters

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2022. Tourmaline boron isotopes trace metasomatism by serpentinite-derived fluid in continental subduction zone. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

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2022. Origin of low-MgO primitive intraplate alkaline basalts from partial melting of carbonate-bearing eclogite sources. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

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2021. Boron and molybdenum isotopic fractionation during crustal anatexis: Constraints from the Conadong leucogranites in the Himalayan Block, South Tibet. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

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2021. Geochemical and molecular characteristics of ferromanganese deposits and surrounding sediments in the Mariana Trench: An Implication for the geochemical Mn cycle in sedimentary environments of the trench zone. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

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2021. First evidence of eclogites overprinted by ultrahigh temperature metamorphism in Everest East, Himalaya: Implications for collisional tectonics on early Earth. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

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